Learn my easy to follow method for mastering the pentatonic and diatonic scale patterns on the guitar neck
What you'll get:
- over 2 hours of video content spread across 15 lessons
- How to master your pentatonic and diatonic scale patterns and play them in any major or minor key
- A No B.S. guide to the modes of the major scale
- An easy way to play and use the Dorian, Mixolydian, Phrygian, Aeolian and Lydian Modes
- Links to backing tracks and songs to practice along with
- Lesson videos shot in HD with closeups of my picking and fretting hands
- Tabs for all the lessons
- Ability to slow down all the lesson videos
- Ability to download all lesson videos and view them anytime online or offline
- Access to me in the comments section of each lesson video
You will have instant access immediately upon purchasing